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Thoughtful Threads

Your guide to sustainable shopping. Help to eliminate ‘Fast Fashion’ through conscious consumption.

‘Fast Fashion’

‘Fast Fashion’ is a term used to describe the profitable and exploitative business model that replicates high fashion trends on a mass scale for cheap. A few examples of businesses that use this model include Zara, H&M, Shein, Forever 21, UNIQLO, and Urban Outfitters. Below you can discover a few of the many harmful consequences this practice has on the environment and society. Learn about the fashion industry’s environmental footprint.

Starting in the early 2000s, consumers are buying more clothing and wearing them for shorter periods of time than ever before. This trend is directly correlated by a rise in fast-fashion. While the lower price tags are appealing, the environmental consequences and social implications of this industry are appalling.


Fast fashion production comprises 10% of global carbon emissions




1.92 million tons of textile waste ends up in landfills annually



Fast fashion tends to utilize harsh labor conditions with 14- 16 hour work days.




Where to Shop

Explore stores that partake in sustainable and ethical practices.



Community Resources

Choose to either donate or sell your clothing.





How to Repurpose

Learn about the many ways to upcycle your old clothing.



Our Survey

We surveyed the Boulder area asking about their knowledge on environmental harm in the fashion industry, personal shopping habits, and access and knowledge to sustainable resources.










